European Group on Tort Law


The Principles of European Tort Law (PETL)

Text of the PETL

The text of the Principles is available in different languages and file formats. Please click on the icon of the version you would like to read:

Language HTML PDF DOCX  
English Principles of European Tort Law
Catalan Principis de dret europeu de la responsabilitat civil
Chinese 欧洲侵权行为法原则
Czech Principy evropského deliktního práva
French Principes de droit européen de la responsabilité civile
German Grundsätze eines Europäischen Deliktsrechts
Greek Αρχές του Ευρωπαϊκού Δικαίου των αδικοπραξιών
Italian Principi di diritto europeo della responsabilità civile
Japanese ヨーロッパ不法行為法の原則
Korean 유럽불법행위법의 원칙
Polish Zasady europejskiego prawa czynów niedozwolonych
Portuguese Princípios de Direito Europeu da Responsabilidade Civil
Russian Принципы европейского деликтного права
Slovenian Načela evropskega odškodninskega prava
Spanish Principios de derecho europeo de la responsabilidad civil
Turkish Avrupa Haksız Fiil Hukuku İlkeleri

Publication of the "Principles of European Tort Law"

The Principles were presented at a public conference on May 19 and 20, 2005, in Vienna. The print version of the Principles including a commentary thereto were published by Springer and are now distributed by Verlag Österreich.

PETL Book European Group on Tort Law
Principles of European Tort Law
Text and Commentary
Springer (Vienna) 2005
ISBN: 978-3-7046-5837-1

The Principles Commentary has so far been translated into three more languages:

PETL Book European Group on Tort Law
Principios de Derecho europeo de la responsabilidad civil
Traducción a cargo de la «Red Española de Derecho Privado Europeo y Comparado» (REDPEC), coordinada por Miquel Martín-Casals
Cizur menor
Thomson-Aranzadi (Madrid) 2008
ISBN: 978-88355064
PETL Book European Group on Tort Law (欧洲侵权法小组/著)
Principles of European Tort Law / 欧洲侵权法原则
Text and Commentary / 文本与评注
Law Press China Publishers (Beijing) 2009
ISBN: 978-7-5036-9432-5
PETL Book European Group on Tort Law
Principes de droit européen de la responsabilité civile, Textes et commentaires
Édition française sous la direction de Olivier Moréteau, traduction de l'anglais par Michel Séjean
Droit privé comparé et européen (Collection dirigée par Bénédicte Fauvarque-Cosson) vol. 11
Société de législation comparée (ed.)
LGDJ (Paris) 2011
ISBN: 978-2-908199-96-3

For further information on publications of the Principles please visit the Publications section.